Exploring nature, growing together.

Welcome to BUSH BUDDIES nature play. At Bush Buddies we believe in fostering a deep connection with nature from the very start, nurturing curiosity, resilience, and a sense of wonder in young hearts as they explore and learn together in the great outdoors.

Our Philosophy:

  • We believe in the importance of fostering a strong connection with nature in young children.

  • We believe in allowing children to take the lead in their learning experiences, encouraging exploration and curiosity.

  • We believe in building a supportive community where families can connect and learn together.

  • We believe in promoting holistic development, including physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth.

  • We believe in acknowledging and respecting the traditional custodians of the land and working collaboratively with local Aboriginal people to incorporate their knowledge and perspectives into our sessions.

We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners and custodians of the land on which we hold our sessions, the Wiradjuri people.

Explore the perfect adventure

The purpose of the BUSH BUDDIES nature play program is multifaceted:

1. Nature Connection and Exploration: We aim to cultivate a deep and lasting connection between young children and the natural world by providing opportunities for outdoor exploration, play, and learning in natural environments.

2. Holistic Child Development: Our program is designed to support the holistic development of children, encompassing physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Through engaging activities and experiences, we promote growth and learning across all domains.

3. Family and Community Engagement: Bush Buddies Nature Play serves as a hub for families to come together, connect, and build supportive relationships within the community. Parents and caregivers actively participate in sessions alongside their children, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

4. Cultural Awareness and Respect: We aim to promote cultural awareness, respect, and reconciliation by acknowledging and incorporating Aboriginal perspectives, knowledge, and traditions into our program. Through storytelling, activities, and guest speakers, we strive to deepen children's understanding of Indigenous cultures and their connection to the land.

5. Outdoor and Nature-Based Learning: Our program emphasises the value of outdoor and nature-based learning experiences, which have been shown to enhance cognitive development, creativity, and overall well-being in children. By immersing children in natural environments, we encourage curiosity, exploration, and a sense of wonder about the world around them.

Overall, the purpose of the BUSH BUDDIES nature play program is to provide a nurturing and enriching environment where children can grow, learn, and thrive while fostering a deep appreciation for nature, community, and cultural diversity.

Connect with us on social platforms to stay in touch and be part of our nature-loving community

Get in Touch!

We are thrilled to hear from you! Drop us a line about your child's outdoor adventures and let's embark on a journey of nature discovery together. Remember, every message is a step closer to creating unforgettable experiences in the bush!